Feb 7, 2013

Love Day Topiary

So for the past four years that I've celebrated Valentines as a married woman, I've never felt the need to get into the holiday. I mean REALLY.... who wants to go to the extent of decorating their house for a holiday that is over on the 14th of the month? Well, apparently everyone else EXCEPT me. So maybe it's the fact that I have children now, and I want to make things more exciting for them. Or maybe not. Maybe its just finally wearing on me and I'm joining along with everyone else. OR.....maybe it's pinterest? Yup. I'm gonna go ahead and say it's probably pinterest. You see, I have this ridiculous obsession with pinterest, and  I keep pinning all these awesome pins, and they just keep screaming at me: "Make me!" "Try me!" "Bake me!"  Needless to say, I've been a little crafty and in the Valentines Spirit! So here's my love day topiary.....

Pink crate paper: $1.00
Candle stick holder: $1.00
Styrofoam ball: $3.00
Your time: You go ahead and put a price on that one....

For the full tutorial click HERE.

Super easy. Super cheap. Right up my ally!! And wouldn't it be fun to make some for other holidays in coordinating colors? I think YEAH!!

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