Feb 19, 2013

The Perfect Plaque

I'm sure you've seen those funky shaped picture frames that have become all the rage lately, I see them everywhere I go! Well I've had my eye on some at a local craft store. They normally range from $11-$30 depending on the size you want. A little pricey for me, yeah but since I don't have my own wood cutting shop and can't make them myself, I was ALMOST willing to pay that price to decorate my new little ones room. That was until I had a better idea. I found THESE lovelies at Hobby Lobby for $2.99 a piece. Now these aren't picture frames, they are just plain wood plaques. However, ya add a little craft paint, a picture, and some mod podge, and TA DA! Not only do you have yourself a wonderful picture collage just like the one ya wanted, but you also saved yourself a whoppin $40, AT LEAST! 

The great thing about these, is since the mod podge dries clear, you can tear off the picture (without damage to the plaque or picture) and replace it with others (which I plan on doing as Mr. M gets bigger). 

Fun. Convenient. Cheap. Just the way I like it. 

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